3rd Edition of World Congress on

Gynecology, Obstetrics & Women's Health

THEME: "Assist the Future Endeavors in Gynecology and Obstetrics Care"

img2 23-25 Sep 2024
img2 Village Hotel Changi, Singapore

online registration

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Company Number: 11892172
21 Clifton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
United Kingdom, NE4 6XH

PhNo: +447426060443

Email: info@scholarsconferences.com

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Registration Type Early Bird Registration
Aug 10th, 2024
Mid On Registration
Aug 31st, 2024
Spot Registration
Sep 25th, 2024
One Night
Single Occupancy
Double Occupancy
Two Nights
Single Occupancy
Double Occupancy
Three Nights
Single Occupancy
Double Occupancy
Total Price:
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I've read and accept the terms & conditions

Registration Includes:

  • Access to all conference sessions
  • Coffee breaks during the conference (Applicable for In-Person events)
  • Handbook & Conference Kit
  • Lunch during the conference (Applicable for In-Person events)
  • Certificate of Presentation/Participation

For Student Delegates and Scholars:

  • Access to All Sessions
  • Coffee Breaks During the Conference (Applicable for In-Person events)
  • Conference Kit and Souvenir
  • Lunch During the Conference (Applicable for In-Person events)
  • Chance to Present a Oral Presentations for Students (Scholars Forum)
  • Chance to Present a Poster Presentations for Students (Student Delegate/Poster)

Package A:

“The Package A includes only registration + 2 nights’ accommodation
  • In addition to all the benefits of registration pass, 2 nights accommodation and breakfast included

Package B:

“The Package B includes only registration + 3 nights’ accommodation
  • In addition to all the benefits of registration pass, 3 nights accommodation and breakfast included

E Poster:

    • E Poster is to display the E-Posters only on website
    • The abstract will be published in conference proceeding book.
    • E-Posters participation is for the participants, those who will not be able to participate Physically and Still wants to publish abstract in Conference Proceedings and if possible present virtually.

    Accommodation (Applicable for In-Person Conferences)

    • Stay Depends upon the Number of Days Booked
    • Breakfast Buffet
    • Coffee and Tea Facilities in the Room
    • Wi-Fi
    • Gym 24 h and Other facilities

    Accompanying Person

    Accompanying Persons are those who accompany the participants at the conference who may be either a spouse/family partner and/or a son/daughter and must register under this category. Please note that business partners do not qualify as Accompanying Persons and are not allowed to register as an Accompanying Person.

    Webinar/Virtual Registration Benefits:

    • Access to all Webinar Sessions
    • Handbook & Conference Kit (Soft Copy)
    • Handbook & Conference Kit (Hard Copy Upon Request)
    • Certificate of Presentation/Participation

    Exhibition and Sponsorship:

    For more information on Sponsorship/Exhibition Opportunities and Details, visit the sponsorship page and write to sponsors@scholarsconferences.com

    Cancellation Policy:

    • Cancellations or modifications of registrations should notify through email to respective program manager or accouts@scholarsconferences.com
    • If Scholars Conferences Limited cancels this event for any indispensable reason, registered participants will be credited with the full amount paid at the time of registration. You may also use this credit for any another Scholars Conferences Limited event(s) which must occur within One Year from the date of cancellation
    • For more details on Cancellation Policy, refer our Terms and Conditions Page. This cancellation policy was last updated on March 01, 2024.

    About Group Registration:

    • Group registration is applicable for any of the above presentation types.
    • You are eligible for a discounted rate on the registration fee if you are a group of minimum 03 or more persons.
    • If your group comprises of more than 10 people please contact our Program Manager for a higher percentage on the discount rate.
    • Please note the group members should be from the organization/institution.
    • Discounted Registration for three (03) or more participants from the same organization/institution.
    • The benefits for the Group registration will be decided based on your presentation type (Oral/Poster/Listener/Virtual)

    NOTE: All discounted registrations are fully non-refundable.


    • Please be vigilant on email and phone, we have been made aware that our speakers are being approached by a scam companies (ROYAL VISIT S.R.L., Traveller Point, E Hotel Services or similar) regarding accommodation for a Scholars Conferences.
    • In the event you are contacted by these companies, please hang up immediately or delete the email. Please note, accommodation is included with us, if you register for any package. For any further questions, you can write us at info@scholarsconferences.com or Phone/WhatsApp: +447426060443